Values and Obtaining them

The value blocks are: Iron Block, Gold Block, Diamond Block, Emerald Block, Sponge, End Portal Frames and Beacons. This section explains how much each of those value blocks are worth, how you obtain them and the rarity of them. If you have any questions on values and how you obtain them please feel free to contact me on discord! 



Obtained from:  Mining Realm
Value: 1,000
Rarity: Uncommon

End portal frames

Obtained from:  Deadzone,  Crates, Mobcoins
Value: 750
Rarity: Uncommon


Obtained from:  Deadzone, Mining Realm
Value: 500
Rarity: Uncommon


Obtained from:  Envoys, Deadzone, Crates and Mining Realm
Value: 500
Rarity: Common


Obtained from:  Envoys, Deadzone and Mining Realm
Value: 750
Rarity: Common

sea lanterns

Obtained from:  Mining Realm and Mobcoins
Value: 250
Rarity: Common

Slime block

Obtained from:  Mining Realm
Value: 60
Rarity: Common


Obtained from: Mining Realm and Quarries
Value: 600
Rarity: Common

emerald block

Obtained from: Mining, Crates, KoTH's, Events and Shop!
Value: 12
Rarity: Common

Diamond block

Obtained from: Mining, Crates, KoTH's, Events and Shop!
Value:  8
Rarity: Common

gold block

Obtained from: Mining, Crates, KoTH's, Events and Shop!
Value:  3
Rarity: Common

iron block

Obtained from: Mining, Crates, KoTH's, Events and Shop!
Value: 2
Rarity: Common



Obtained from: Deadzone Skeletons
Value: 50,000
Rarity: Rare


Obtained from: Deadzone Mobs
Value: 500,000
Rarity: Common


Obtained from:  Emerald Ore
Value: 25,000
Rarity: Common