Here you will find all the news about TearfulMC! This place will have most changelogs, new seasons, new features and so much more! (lets see how long i can keep it up)
(23/2/24) SB Season 21 reset:
Season 21 was all about economy changes & making the game more unique. We added a new custom plugin & an entirely new way to gain value. You can upgrade spawners with money to give you better value blocks. Paired with a custom auto placer you can create an entirely AFK value method. This new method will definitely not get you the win but it will aid you. I have completely changed the mobcoin & experience economy to better the community. Below you will find a complete changelog.
Autoplacers are obtained through mobcoins & experience, these custom made autoplacers will only work with value blocks. All you need to do is throw them on the top of the autoplacer & it will start. They have two upgrades, speed & storage, which can be upgraded with money.
- Added autoplacers for value
- Obtained through mobcoins & experience
- Adjusted spawner upgrades & added silverfish to T2 upgrades
- Fixed spiders not dropping the loot
- Fixed cave spider spawner name
- Fixed guardian spawner name
- Removed equipment drops from all mobs (including skeles :)) ) - this includes zombie iron, potatoes & carrots, bows from skeles & any other drop that was not sellable from mobs.
- Fixed xp being dropped on death [mobs]
- All mobs drop the same amount of xp other then ghasts, guardians & silverfish [all mobs drop 10xp]
- Ghasts, guardians & silverfish now drop 20xp which is double every other mob
- Removed afk drops from silverfish
Spawner Upgrades
These have now been added to every mob, in previous seasons it has only been ghasts that had 4 upgrades. I have now completely re-worked the spawner upgrades so that they fully function & give worth while upgrades. There are two categories of these upgrades, T1 includes Cave Spiders, Spiders, Skeletons, Zombies, Endermen, Witches & Blazes these all have a maximum of 6 upgrades. T2 spawner upgrades include Iron Golems, Ghasts, Guardians & Silverfish which all have a maximum of 4 upgrades which means that the spawner progression for these 4 spawners is quickened.
All spawners are upgraded using money this, however, is due to change at some point in the future to include more economy options. Please refer to the discord changelog channel for photos of the spawner upgrades.
- Added spawner upgrades [Each level is faster & gives a value block worth more, see /values]
- Lowered essence pouch proc to 0.3 (was 0.4) per level
- Lowered essence pouch max amount to 7,500 (was 25,000)
- Lowered crop boost to 0.003 proc per level (was 0.05)
- Adjusted essence shop prices
- Added virtual grind crates for hoes & swords
- Halved xp requirements for hoes
- Lowered proc chance of value finder
- All previous bugs have been fixed
- Removed beacons from hoes
- Added endstone & sea lanterns to hoes
mob swords
- Fixed mob swords - all bugs -
- Fixed xp boost [mobswords]
- Doubled essence amounts [mobswords]
- Added virtual grind crates for hoes & swords
- Removed beacons from mob swords
- Added end portal frames & sponge to mob swords
- Fixed autosell not working on mobswords
- Fixed autosell price for silverfish [mobswords]
- Added essence to Deadzone Mobs [Skele - 20k, Zomb - 10k, Spider - 5k. These are not effected by boosts]
mining realm
- Removed lanterns & beacons from mining realm
- Expanded the obisidian and wool layers in mining realm
- Fixed NPC not showing correct information
general changes
- Reworked /value
- Removed gold blocks from value
- Fixed sell prices for sell chests & other plugins
- Fixed nether star sell price
- Adjusted shop settings
- Adjusted sell chests so they run more smoothly
- Upped silverfish nether star drop amount- Upped value worth of Iron, Redstone, Lapis, Gold, Diamond & Emerald Blocks
- Removed selling of value blocks in sell chests [Ore Blocks]
- Ammended island values to show correct blocks
- Added GG Waves to store purchases
- Added player referals [/fr ref {player}]
- Price for value in /mobshop has been decreased by 50%
- Fixed visual errors in mobshop
- Added /enchant which is a gui where you can enchant books for your items, This has allowed me to add a way for unranked players to obtain non vanilla enchant levels.
- Halved EXP shop prices - unless it's listed below
- 2x Mining Booster 3m -> 500k, 2x EXP Booster 1.5m -> 250k, 2x Mobcoins Booster 1.5m -> 250k EXP
(7/5/22) Season 12 reset:
Season 12 has now launched! We have spent this seasons downtime fixing up the current features rather then adding new ones!
General changes:
Custom Enchants can now be bought with EXP instead of EXP Levels
All mobs will spawn under any condition, this means cows can spawn in the air!
Max stack for spawners 150k -> 200k
New spawner lore to help new players
Limit of crates has been increased to 5
New lores on EXP & Money Boost Armour
Buffed boost armour
New restart/server closed message as well as wrong command message
New lores on sellwands
Spawner upgrades now exist
Spawners spawn slower but can be upgraded
Guardians drop less from emerald ore
All value blocks have been halved in value
New clear lag message
Voting is now fixed so that it gives the correct rewards
Some mobshop prices have increased
Nerfed mobcoin drop chance from all mobs
Removed NPCs spawning when you log out
NEW Money // EXP Crystals [Booster Armour]
NEW Events crates (drops from Bosses, KoTHs)
NEW Coinflips have been added
NEW Dueling other players is now possible
NEW KoTH has been added
(1/4/22) Season 11 reset:
Season 11 has now launched we have spent this seasons downtime rebalancing the servers economy, improving current features and creating all the possible features! If you are interested in what exactly changed, feel free to read below:
new features:
Experience Shop
Booster Sets
Price changes:
Iron Golem Spawner Was: $5m -> $10m
Witch Spawner Was: $3m -> $6m
Enderman Spawner Was: $850k -> $4m
Zombie Spawner Was: $300k -> $3m
Skeleton Spawner Was: $250k -> $2.5m
Spider Spawner Was: $325k -> $2m
Cave Spider Spawner Was: $500k -> $2m
Creeper Spawner Was: $1m -> $1.5m
Pig Spawner Was: $175k -> $1m
Cow Spawner Was: $200k -> $1m
Sheep Spawner Was: $150k -> $1m
Chicken Spawner Was: $175k -> $1m
Rabbit Spawner Was: $150k -> $1m
Slime Spawner Was: $600k -> $400k
Wolf Spawner Was: $250k -> $400k
Squid Spawner Was: $150k -> $350k
Mooshroom Spawner Was: $200k -> $350k
Blaze Spawner Was: $1m -> $2m
Glowstone Dust: Was: N/a -> $75
Iron Ingot Was: $65 -> $40
Redstone Was: $10 -> $30
Ender Pearl Was: $5 -> $26
Rotten Flesh Was: $5 -> $19
Bone Was: $4 -> $15
Spider Eye Was: $4 -> $11
String Was: $3 -> $11
Gunpowder Was: $9 -> $8
Cooked Pork Was: $6 -> $5
Cooked Beef Was: $6 -> $5
Cooked Mutton Was: $5 -> $5
Cooked Chicken Was: $5 -> $5
Cooked Rabbit Was: $4 -> $3
Slimeball Was: $8 -> $1
Bonemeal Was: N/a ->$1
Ice Was: $3 -> $1
Red Mushroom Was: N/a -> $1
Blaze Rod Was: $12 -> $8
Nether Stars Was: $350 -> $2,000
Melon Block Was: $135 ->
Pumpkin Block Was: $15 -> $75
Melon Slice Was: $9 -> $9
Wheat Was: $40 -> $30
Sugar Cane Was: $75 -> $75
Nether Wart Was: $35 -> $35
Cactus Was: N/a -> N/a
General changes:
/reclaim now has a 2x Mining Booster instead of a 4x Mining Booster
New rule: No logging in PvP Areas: You can no longer log out in mining realm, warzone & any where you can PvP!
Shop has a new format
Wooltop & Killstop has a new format
Cooldown messages look better
Re-added spawners names
God Apple cooldown change from 60 seconds -> 120 seconds
Ender Pearl cooldown changed from 7 seconds -> 15 seconds
Re-added Silverfish Pads to Deadzone (there's 8 dotted around)
Added 30 levels to harvester hoe (Max Level: 50 Max Multi: 20x)
EXP gets auto picked up
Combat Tag NPC - these are new to TearfulMC, they will spawn every where! If you see one in a PvP zone, make sure to kill it for the players loot! Don't log out in PvP areas!
(26/2/22) season 10 reset:
Season 10 has now launched! We have spent some time on revamping the builds, adding new features and overall improving the game play for you guys! Feel free to read through what has changed
new features:
Harvester Hoes
Seller Minions
Island Value Upgrade
Redstone Limit Upgrade
price changes:
Miner Minions are now $1,000,000 Was $250k
Level 2: $500k
Level 3: $750k
Level 4: $1m
Lumberjack Minions are now $750,000 Was $100k
Level 2: $500k
Level 3: $750k
Farming Minions are now $5,000,000 Was $100k
Level 2: $1m
Level 3: $3m
Fisher Minions are now $500,000 Was $50k
Level 2: $100k
Level 3: $500k
Slayer Minions are now $750,000 Was $150k
Level 2: $500k
Level 3: $750k
Feeder Minions are now $1,000,000 Was $100k
Level 2: $500k
Level 3: $750k
Collector Minions are now $250,000 Was $100k
Level 2: $50k
Level 3: $250k
Sell Minions are now $3,000,000
Level 2: $750k
Level 3: $1.5m
Eco Changes:
Cow drops no longer sell in Sell Chests
Iron Golems now drop Iron Ingots rather then Iron Blocks
Iron Ingots sell for $65
Cane sells for $75
Diamond & Emerald Blocks are no longer in cobblestone generators
Cow drops no longer sell in Sell Chests
Deadzone Mobs now drop double loot, some may even drop triple!
general changes:
Updated the minions plugin
Removed Silverfish Spawners from Blackmarket
New builds for Deadzone, Woodcutting & Mining Realm
Spawners can now stack over 64 into one slot
Fixed clear lag running before it's announced
Auto announcements are now every 20 mins
Deadzone Mob Drops:
Zombie - 20 End Portal Frames Was 5, 7 Souls Was 3
Skeleton - 32 End Portal Frame Was 10, 16 Souls Was 3
(29/1/22) Season 9 reset:
Season 9 has now launched! This seasons downtime was to focus on further rebalancing our economy. A full in-depth list can be found below, please read through it if you plan on playing! We have also took the time to update this wiki so have a look round and get used to the server! Thanks!
boosters & black market:
We were informed by the community that money doesn't have much of a point at TearfulMC so we came up with these to try battle the money issue! (Click here for more)
Boosters - Obtained from /blackmarket which rotates every 6 hours and has overpowered items (Click here for more)
Black Market - A shop that has overpowered items that gets rotated every 6 hours. These items have a certain amount of stock (Click here for more)
eco changes:
Iron Blocks are now worth 4 Was 8
Iron Golem Spawners are now worth 0 Was 65
Iron Blocks now sell for $65 Was $40
Gold Blocks are now worth 6 Was 12
General changes:
Drop multiplier upgrade now fully functions
New sell wand & condense wand plugin
Infinite Condense Wands exist and are obtained from crates
/vote is better
Added Vote Crates and Daily Crates
Mobcoins from crates have been nerfed due to the P2W aspect preventing players grinding
EXP drop from crates has been nerfed
Finished /help
31 Days in /rewards
Wooltop and Killstop exist now (/wooltop /killstop)
(22/12/21) Season 8 reset:
Season 8 has now launched! This seasons downtime was to focus on rebalancing the server more then adding new features. All the balancing a new features are listed below, feel free to read them if you're interested!
price changes:
Iron Golems - $20,000,000 Was $12.5m
Creepers - $1,000,000 Was $500k
Emerald - $50,000 Was $25k
Diamond - $40,000 Was $20k
Gold - $30,000 Was $15k
Iron - $20,000 Was $10k
Iron Blocks now sell for $40
Iron Blocks value is now removed
Iron Golem Spawners now halved in value (63)
General changes:
Changed the looks of tab and the scoreboard
Spawners now stack up to 50k
End Portal Frames can now be mined
You can now withdraw money and exp with /withdraw
(19/11/21) Season 7 Reset:
Season 7 has now launched! All the new features that have been added are listed below in detail so feel free to read through it, this season is more about balancing rather then huge eco changes!
new stuff:
Merging Pedestal - At the Merging Pedestal, located at spawn, you can merge your sell chests to higher tiers!
4 1x Sell Chests => 1 2x Sell Chest
4 2x Sell Chests => 1 3x Sell Chest
4 3x Sell Chests => 1 5x Sell Chest
However, there is a 20% chance for merging to fail, which will consume one of your Sell Chests, giving you 3 back
Iron Island Mines - Similar to the Diamond Mines, it's 65% Iron Ore and 35% Stone!
Coal Island Mines - Same as the Iron Mine but has Coal Ore instead of Iron Ore
More room in the wool section of Mining Realm - Gives extra room to escape during PvP and PvE!
Ghast Spawners are now only obtained through Deadzone Skeletons! They also drop 8-15 per now, this is to make them worth grinding
This wiki now exists! Use /wiki in-game to get here!
Mob coin price change:
End Portal frames are now 150 per Was 100
Sea Lanterns have been added Price: 100 per
1x Sell Chest is now 30,000 Was 15,000
2x Sell Chest removed
God Keys are now 20,000 Was 15,000
Diamond Island Mines are now 7,500,000 Was 40,000
Emerald Island Mines are now 250,000 Was 60,000
Iron Island Mines have been added Price: 150,000
Coal Island Mines have been added Price: 50,000
Mobs have been added, this is to introduce even more risk factors to the realm as we are aware smacking wool 24/7 would become boring without some sort of risk
The wool section has been expanded
woodcutting realm:
Woodcutting axe is now 25m Was $10,000,000
Wood now sells for $1,500 in the realm
Mob drop change:
Spider - Now drops 16x End Portal Frame, 10x Souls
Zombie - Now drops 6x End Portal Frames, 6x Souls
Silverfish - Now drops 2-5 Nether Stars, 1x Beacon
Skeleton - Now drops 30x End Portal Frames, 20x Souls, 1x Ghast Spawner
General Changes:
Diamond Island mines are now 35% stone and 65% diamond ore
End Portal Frames are now worth 1,500
Wool is now worth 2,000
Beacons are now worth 1,000
Witches are now $3,000,000 Was $600,000
Bedrock Axes are now Speed 4 Was over Speed 6
Bedrock Chestplates now give Fire Resistance upon equipping
Custom enchants:
Books are now in their corresponding categories, this just means the better they are the higher the cost will be!
Magical Angel Dust is now $25,000 Was $10,000
Magical Fixing Dust is now $30,000 Was $10,000
White Scrolls are now $20,000 Was $2,000
Common Books are now 30 EXP Levels Was 20 EXP Levels
Rare Books are now 55 EXP Levels Was 40 EXP Levels
Legendary Books are now 75 EXP Levels Was 60 EXP Levels